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Binocular Vision Disorders

What is a Developmental Vision Evaluation?

A comprehensive eye exam is recommended for all children (6-18 years) before they start school and every year while they are in school. This yearly check-up is designed to test how healthy your eyes are and to see if glasses or contact lenses are needed.  The routine eye exam does not test all of the 17 visual skills required for academic success.  If any of these visual skills are deficient, reading and learning can become an unnecessary challenge. 

When a someone struggles with reading and learning or is not achieving to full potential, a Developmental Vision Evaluation is needed.  Anyone who has an eye turn or lazy eye (strabismus or amblyopia) or who has had a concussion or head injury would also require this more in-depth testing.  Our Developmental Vision Evaluation goes beyond testing for 20/20 vision and evaluates ALL the visual skills critical to reading and learning, such as:

  • Visual Acuity at Near
    Is vision clear and single at close distances? Clear sight at short distances is critical to reading, writing, close work, computer use, etc.
  • Eye Teaming Skills
    Do the two eyes aim, move, and work as a coordinated team? Weaknesses in binocular (two-eyed) vision and eye teaming skills can cause numerous difficulties, including convergence insufficiency and poor depth perception.
  • Eye Focusing Skills
    Do the eyes maintain clear vision at varying distances? Rapid, automatic eye focus adjustment is critical to learning, reading, writing, sports, etc. Deficiencies can cause visual fatigue, reduced reading comprehension, and/or avoidance of close work or other activities.
  • Eye Movement Skills
    Do eye movements show adequate muscle control, tracking, fixation, etc.? In the classroom, normal eye movements allow rapid and accurate shifting of the eyes along a line of print or from book to desk to board, etc. In sports, efficient eye movements contribute to eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, and accurate tracking.
  • Reversal Frequency
    Is confusion or reversal of letters or words (b, d; p, q; saw, was; etc.) within the normal ranges for a given age? Past the age of seven, frequent visual and written reversals might indicate a visual perceptual dysfunction.
  • Visual Information Processing
    Most people don’t realize that our eyes are actually part of the brain and that the information that our eyes see has to be transmitted to the brain for us to understand what we are looking at. When children are making reversals or seem to be seeing things backwards, have difficulty recognizing the same word twice (on next page), have trouble with visual memory such as remembering what they read or have trouble copying from the board, a visual information processing evaluation is often recommended.

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